Sunday, October 24, 2010


So, once this stupid law paper is finished, I will be all ready to begin my coffee cozies. I borrowed my grandmother's lovely little sewing machine, got my batting from my mother's enormous craft center, and stopped by Jo-Ann fabrics to get a pile of quarters and eighths. I attempted one last night thanks to my procrastination, and it turned out dreadful. I didn't print the instructions for the cozy, and just shot from the hip (which is why I also can't cook). A puffy, ugly cozy was the result.

Thursday it is.

Friday, October 22, 2010

project wishlist.

1. coffee cozies
2. learn to knit AND purl before Christmas.
3. knit a pair of socks.

day one.

As a kid, my mom was my crafting idol. Halloween customs, dresses, outwear, you name it, and my mother made it. I took my obligatory home ec class in seventh grade, and had a basic grasp on crocheting, sewing, and embroidery. Ask me to do that now, and I probably can't sew a straight line.

A few years ago, a college friend taught me to knit. When I say "knit," I mean, knit was the only stitch I could make and scarf was the only thing productive that would appear. In the time since then, I have only made one scarf in one setting with Lion's Wool super chunky (or whatever) with size 17 needles. Most of my scarves in my closet are half-finished--each scarf has it's own size 17 needles still attached. I have tried to teach myself to purl, but I can't quite manage knit, purl, knit, purl without saying it out loud.  

I am a bit of a dreamer though, and consistently purchase crafting goods that never see the light of day. For example: shrinky-dink necklaces and keychains, Sublime stitching kits that were only attempted once, a mini-quilting kit that appeared to be for small children, checkbook covers for the girls at work, scarfs for the girls at work, coffee-cup cozies.. for the girls at work. It seems the only thing I could stick to was purchasing the craft item and then devising a wonderful storage system for said craft item. 

So here I am, writing this blog in hopes that: a. someone famous will read it and make me famous, b. documenting my efforts might actually work for my pick'em-up-and-leave'em currently strategy for crafting, and c. someone slightly more talented than I will read this and tell me all the things I am doing wrong.

So, that is that. First project: coffee cup cozies... immediately after I write my law and policy paper on Tuesday.

EDIT: Tonight. I start tonight! First step: get fabric, thick hairbands and beeeyootiful buttons as my adorable new cozies will be from House on Hill Road.